Should I Build a Backyard Rink or Not?

Before we take the journey of actually building a backyard rink we must first answer this question......Should I Build a Backyard Rink or Not?

Like almost everything in life there is a tradeoff and opportunity cost to this decision. I'm here to tell you that if you have the means to do so and your family and friends will appreciate it and most importantly get use out of it you should absolutely go for it!

Some of the best memories I have as a kid is skating and playing hockey on outdoor rinks! These are memories that I will cherish forever!

Now if you are a first time rink builder you do not have to go all in and buy the best rink kit and call a landscaper to come level your yard. If this is something you are on the fence about START SMALL and make sure it's something you like. 

For example, I bought my first rink setup from someone on Craigslist for a couple hundred dollars. It was several boards of 1/2" plywood and several 2x4 triangle supports. The material value was WELL over what I paid for it but the man I bought it from got his use out of it and was ready to upgrade! I see similar rink packages like this used on Craigslist and Facebook often. Start looking mid-late summer or even spring time when people are cleaning out the garage and taking down their rinks. The person you buy it from will gladly give you tips on what to do and what not to do. Plus there are great resources on youtube and of course the Facebook communities' (Backyard Ice Rinks, Backyard Ice Hockey Rinks etc.) you can search for hundreds of threads of people having the same questions you are asking yourself!

One of the things that surprised me the most when I built my first rink was how much I actually enjoyed doing the "work" of caring for my rink! Yes it does require time and energy.....shoveling can get old toward the end of the season but I found a lot of joy and gratification taking care of my rink, trying to perfect the ice, and maintaining it throughout the year. I relate it to Gardening....sure it requires time, energy, and effort but then there is a lot of joy and gratification watching your garden grow and enjoying the harvest at the end.

Certainly the thing that brings me the MOST JOY with my backyard rink is watching my kids, and their friends, cousins etc. skate all day and CREATE MEMORIES.

Truly each day is a gift and time is the only non renewable resource. DON'T WAIT FOR ANOTHER WINTER TO PASS YOU BUY. MAKE THIS YOUR YEAR TO BUILD A RINK!

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